Thursday, April 21, 2005

You don't know...

that you are an amazing woman do you? ~ I had two different people say something like that to me today. Hell no I don't and I must have a few fooled. (okay just listen before y'all get too excited this is not a shamless plug for love....) First of all, amazing women in my book are those like Condaleeza Rice, Sandra O'Connor, Toni Morrison, and my friend Erin. They have overcome... well life just about and get up everday and do it all over again. My obstacles aren't nearly what the ones they face are and my goals are veggies in my kids and brushed teeth at bedtime. If I get those two things done, it's been a good day.

When my head hits the pillow every night, so many things run through it. Things that didn't get done, issues that I am honored to have been entrusted with and those that are mine that I haven't figured out or dealt with. So at the end of the day do I know I'm an amazing woman, not yet ~ I strive for that and I'm thrilled that some may see that. The day that my head rests gently on my pillow and the thoughts are those of content for those that I love most because they have found their way out of their darkness and peace for myself. Well friends... that is the day that I will find amazement in myself.

Okay so some more brilliance this week from a friend that should write a self help book. He was frustrated yesterday about a relationship that he is in and he said 'She needs to be saved and I can't be her savior. I need to be saved a bit myself. I want a relationship with someone who can save me when I need it and then back again.' That's it right there isn't it. To find the one that you have that balance with. That may just be the key and the most important thing above everything else. That's what I would want no question.

My song today was The Road I'm On by 3 Doors Down

Now you just keep drivin' tryin' to find out where you belong
I know you feel helpless now and I know you feel alone
That's the same road, that same road that I am on

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