Friday, April 22, 2005

I miss my beach...

all the time but especially this week. I live not even a mile from the ocean and yet it's not the same. It never gets warm enough to actually go in ~ not for me anyway. But more than that I miss my 'family' there and our hangouts. One of my girls is going through a time right now and I so wish I could be there for her and help her find her way because it feels like she is lost.

OH and tomorrow is Saturday which is Karaoke at Gators ~ Tina and I OWN karaoke at Gators. We have more fun than anyone else that attempts to sing their way to stardom there. We know we aren't going to be discovered so we don't try as hard, we don't take ourselves seriously at all and we just have FUN!!! Then again Tina and I have fun cleaning the house with those magic erase sponges... we find humor together in potential court dates and truant officers and various other random life things that happen to us. We have been friends for 14 years ~ no one has been in my life for that long, no one could keep up with me and my shenanigans like she does. No one else knows EVERY little thing and yet... still loves me. (Not meaning to offend any of my friends that read this but trust me... there was some JUNK that went down in the first half of the friendship with her that most would walk away from.)

SO I wish that tonight, I was in the only house that ever truly felt like a home, kneeling down in front of the living room tv singing karaoke and drinking a beer or more with my girls 'cause I need that right now to feel like me and whole again if only for just a minute or two.

oh and what you are wondering would we sing... our karaoke song... What's Up by 4 Non Blondes

Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination....

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