Saturday, July 16, 2005

I'm going to take...

an acting class. 'Cause i suck at pretending to be any one other than me... and apparently i am not quite right and frustrate a few people so if i could just figure out how to act like they want me too... for the time that it's required... maybe things will be better for everyone ~ see i can be brilliant

He Went To Paris by Jimmy Buffet

'...some of it's magic
some of it's tragic
but i had a good life anyway'

i've decided i want that on my headstone ~ so someone take a note on that for me...


  1. noted, and I think you are brilliant as is.. no acting required... how sad that some people live their whole lives trying to be someone they aren't, and yet you have "being yourself" down to an art! It's beautiful!!! love you!

  2. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Not that you're serious....but you could act if you wanted to. You can do anything that you want and be GOOD at it....even work for tips! LYMI!

  3. One of my favorite things about you is the fact that you are never anyone but you. The real, honest, beautiful, stong, surviving you. That's what makes you so amazing!
