Monday, July 25, 2005

i was going to write about addiction...

mostly 'cause i'm addicted to live music... and the adrenline rush lasts for days... it's the best thing ~ a friend is coming off of a 'heroin' addiction of sorts... i've promised to hold his hand this week and i will that's easy... i'll listen... that's easy too... i'll give my opinion and advice if he wants it even and if not... i'll just sit quietly 'cause sometimes silence says everything

so instead let me explain 'cause it occured to me that not everyone might get what i saw so clearly... my new favorite saying

'Use both hands... look both ways... love each other. ~ Pat Green'

he said that at the end of our show in Palms Springs ~ I have it in my sig line on a message board that a lot who read my blog post on and someone that doesn't post there saw it and was all ~ i don't get it... so here is how i take it...

those are the basic life lessons in my opinion ~ if you always choose to DO those three things... you will make fewer mistakes... you will find peace inside your self more often... you will smile more and get smiles in return... your choices will be better... your vision clearer... your love will be truer ~ everything in your life will be more real because you went back to using your the tools in your toolbox that were first given to you because they are 'fool proof' so to speak

that's what it means to me anyway...

just not ready to move on from Pat yet... so he wrote this with the one who keeps me sane... Rob Thomas... Baby Doll...

'and when you close your eyes, you hear the music playing
you can see her dancin' underneath the spotlight
and when she sleeps, she dreams she’s back in Hollywood
when she was a younger girl, a pretty heart in a tainted world,
not sure who you wanna be your Daddy’s little drama queen:
i hope that when you find yourself, you’re more than just a baby doll...'


  1. if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.....

    love love!

  2. I think it means...attack life with everything you have, a hands on approach with nothing to hold cautious and make sure that you're not about to be run over when you're taking chances...and of course, love, love, love like you'll never do anything else!!! I love you my beautiful friend and I so often with that I could see the world through your eyes.

  3. Use both hands... look both ways... love each other

    I love your explanation of it....i've always known to do these things, but only recently have i been able to visualize the rewards the come from living it every day! Thank you my pretty girl! I love you!

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    'look both ways'...not literally all the time, seeing both sides of a problem or situation is what it means to me--see others point of view!
