Friday, June 24, 2005

i only feel old...

here... where life hasn't changed much really yet so much has. Its our babies running around in the background at the softball game, yes it's been 15 years since we graduated give or take a few depending on who I'm chatting with ~ 'Where am I from?' well here actually ~ I know I don't look it or sound it but I left almost as long as ago now as I was here originally. The children I used to babysit for are now adults some even with their own kids some just now off in the world. That's the only downside so far ~ not that I feel my age as much as it's presented to me and not as easily ignored.

Our kids, those in my circle here that is again complete with my return as I'm truly the only one who left ~ how fun to watch them all pick up and just go like not two years has past since they've seen my babies but in their minds less than hours maybe. AND FEARLESS ~ apparently there really aren't snakes hiding in the big overgrown field that our parents warned us about because our kids have trampled all through it on their adventures and lived to tell us about them.

It's only been three days and I've been thanked by both of my babies... Jordan ~ 'Mama... it's already the best summer of my life...' Jake 'Thank you so much for bringing me to the forrest...'

Exhale ~ Good Decision

OHHHH and after a year ~ I got my CCRW dvd back YAYAYAYA!!! That made me happy last night as I feel asleep to Cody singing...

'I think God - He's an understanding man
But I don't think that's part of His plan
Cause He wants us all to live in harmony
Take care of one another when we need
So if you want to rant and rave, murder and corrupt
Stay away from the ones that I love'

Carry You Home ~ Cross Canadian Ragweed


  1. See? You made the right decision. You always do when it comes to those kids. :)

  2. I am glad that things are going well there Lori! I miss you too!1 :)

  3. I am so glad God gave you confirmation through your kiddos - I'm sure that's exactly what you needed... Love you and miss you!

  4. See, Baby Girl! I told you all would be perfect for you! and don't forget to run thru that field yourself, just because you can!

  5. you all are awesome and i am so lucky to have such a foundation of love and strength from you all...

  6. Anonymous5:04 AM

    you missed it. my hair looked great today.

  7. dude... i miss YOU ~ we gotta catch up SOON
