Saturday, November 11, 2006

it's the worst one in awhile...

the air is heavy... i have to take really small breaths just to get them in... my skin is making me claustrophobic... the lump is so big i can't swallow... i wish it was raining cause i can hide a lot easier when it rains... i go in circles trying to get away from the one thing i can't get away from... i turn on the radio... but every song brings the tears... and each tear is for a different reason... but the quiet... leaves me to my thoughts... and they are the worst... being stuck in my head on days like today is a frightening place to be... i'm overwhelmed... i feel trapped... my skin is on fire... yet i'm freezing...

today is not a good day to be me

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could send you some of my chicken soup for the soul I made yesterday.

    It would cure all that ails you.

    Well that AND a hug so tight you wouldnt be able to breathe then either, but in a good way.
