Wednesday, August 23, 2006

so there is apparently a contest...

that i have to win... 'cause it would be season tix to the Colts for the 07 Season...

for peace... this is what i got today...

pat ~ two weeks from tomorrow... or 15 wake ups

Manning V. Manning ~ opening weekend... 18 wake ups and what a game... and there is still a very real possiblity that i could be in the stadium for that... can't think about that too much 'cause i'll just burst

laundry... it's almost done

lunch with my beautiful girl

i got to hear pat live via cell

Texas... october 18th to the 23rd... gonna make that happen... and i have a list of people that i need to hug and i'm only eating kolaches for the entire trip

jocelyn ~ thank you ~ just THANK YOU

i'm looking forward to a day soon with no tears... where nothing hurts... i'd even take numb over pain right now...

i want to smile... a real one ~ maybe even before october

ok... just that's enough for now...


  1. so I went to this Maximum Impact Simulcast a few months ago, and Peyton and Archie were speaking... they were the highlight of why I wanted to attend this! it was all I thought'd be! And I am hoping a trip to Austin is in your Oct plans... if not, I'm coming to where you are, b/c quite franlky hugs in my neck of the woods have been scarce... That and it would do my soul good just to see your face with a smile and a kolache! *mwah*

  2. You are SO staying with me in Austin. I call dibs!! :)
