Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"They don't even know what it is to be a fan....

...Y'know? To truly love some silly little piece of music, or some band, so much that it hurts. " ~ Sapphire from Almost Famous

i get that ~ in fact it will probably remain my favorite movie quote ~ forever...

as i was snugglin' into bed last night to go to sleep i was flipping through the guide on TV and Bravo was airing an Eagles concert... *sigh* ~ love Love LOVE them ~ in fact there are five that i want to see live that i haven't yet and they are on that list along with Bruce Springsteen... U2... Elton John... and Bob Dylan ~ so i digress as i was listening to Don Henley sing a song that has been one of my favorites since well... forever i guess i thought about what music does for me... and to me sometimes ~ it's almost frightening 'cause i will truly get irritated if i'm interrupted during a song ~ ok downright angry not just irritated ~ music helps me remember to breathe... it reminds me that no matter how i might feel i'm not really alone... it can make the scar on my heart ache or it can heal it all over again... it reminds me of all that is true and good and beautiful in this world...

i know i talk about this a lot... but in my 34 years... i can easily say it's my true constant ~ my North Star... my security blanket... my home ~ i'm not sure what that says about me but this gypsy takes great comfort in knowing that no matter where i am on my path... there will always be something with me that is familiar and helps to keep my focus and make me feel whole...

"...and if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends. " ~ Penny Lane from Almost Famous

ok... so which song sparked all of this ~ to this day i still have people that have known me forever ask... is that still your favorite song ~ well ish... it's on the list for sure... and this is why

Desperado ~ The Eagles

'...now it seems to me some fine things
have been laid upon your table
but you only want the ones that you can’t get

desperado... oh you ain’t gettin’ no younger
your pain and your hunger... they’re drivin’ you home
and freedom... oh freedom
well that’s just some people talkin’
your prison is walking through this world all alone...'


  1. They are one of my favorite favorites as well!! I LOVE them! And got to see them on their last tour - probably THE single best show I have ever seen!

    And I love those quotes too - reminds me that I need to get that movie... Ebay here I come!

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
