Monday, May 22, 2006

'Gemini people are...'

'...ingenious, quick-witted communicators, although you are often restless, easily bored and can become frustrated by things moving too slowly.' yup ~ that's my biggest stumbling block in my life... it's gotten so bad that one day with little or nothing to do and too much time in my head... and i'm a wreck... i know the path my life is going to take and i'm looking forward to all the possiblities and being who i am... waiting for it all to get started is making me more than just a little anxious ~ so i'm glad summer is around the corner as there are lots of exciting things going on... that will help ~ ish... now if someone would shut off the water and turn up the heat... it would be much appreciated


  1. As a fellow Gemini... I sympathize with your impatience! I've been feeling the exact same way lately! They say that patience is a virtue... HA! Love you Lori! :)

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
