Tuesday, May 02, 2006

so i have decided...

that i strongly dislike baseball... brandon just stop reading here ~ i do... i know America's past time blah.. blah.. blah... WHATEVER... sorry and the latest... apparently there is a possibility that my Blue October shows this month will be cancelled.... WHY you wonder... the lead singer got hurt playing ~ you guessed it... Baseball... my daughter has a fat lip and a big ol egg on her nose... why... you guessed it... Baseball

i find it boring... watching grass grow comes to mind... we have this white flag that appears on the front of the house every few days or so with a Blue W on it... something to do with the Cubs as that is my parents team... my daughter has decided she is a Yankee fan... brandon's computer just exploded... my friends here are pretty much split down the middle between Yankee Fans and Red Sox Fans... and to hear them talking about it ~ you would not know that except when it comes to baseball they all love each other very much...

and the committment... i have the same gripe about Basketball... 90+ or 100+ games whatever it it... do these people have real lives...

with my two loves in the sporting world... i have a Sunday commitment... occasionally a Monday may be thrown in if it's a good Monday Night Football game or if we had a rain delay... it's very easy to keep track of who is where and holds what position in the points race or who is at the top of their conference... and it really doesn't have to take up to much of my time to check in on things... football can get a little gray towards playoffs but for the most part it's pretty easy to follow ~ no Masters in Statistics required to understand where your team is in their division standings...

ok ~ that's my rant ~ my apologies to my friends that are baseball fans... i promise to never make you sit through a race with me if you do the same and don't require me to follow baseball... i truly tried and it really just didn't grow on me at all


  1. i dont like baseball either. its boring. unless you actually GO to a game and have lots of beer.

    then AND ONLY THEN is it any fun....

    lymi and i miss you too...

  2. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Tony Stewart is the greatest man ever. Your favorite song is the same 4 chords over and over and over. It's not exactly rocket science.

    I'll think of more mean stuff later after I kick ever dog in Tarrant county over the Jordan and the Y thing. that is all.

  3. i told you not to read it...

  4. LOL! When I read the statement about Jordan, before I got to your statement about Brandon, I had the exact same thought!

    And I enjoy baseball... much more live than on tv... but it still beats NASCAR anyday... That's just me though!

  5. Anonymous4:13 PM

    ok, i'm over it. kind of. not really. uh, who am i kidding.... go tony.
