Wednesday, January 04, 2006


i trust people... too quickly sometimes... too easily most times... and for a long while my judgement was way off

and is this something i want to change ~ NO

well wait the judgement thing... i'm better at that now ~ not that i'm about to sit on some imaginery thrown and cast stones or any thing like that just that my vision is clear again... my feet are firmly on the ground and i'm not feeling so vulnerable this will allow me to have a much better filter for who i let in ~ for awhile i was in such a desperate state that who i associated with and the situations i put myself in were not necessarily the best

done with that now ~ i got burned ~ so i have applied some salve... but i still feel the sting and it's another one of those scars to remind me of poor choices made that need not be repeated

but trusting people... i always want to start off with trust truly believing that i can trust people i mean isn't that a given... or shouldn't it be ~ i don't want to live my life thinking everyone i meet is out to hurt me ~ i generally believe that we are all here to help each other on our journey and that everyone has their purpose for whatever length of time they are with you on your path ~ sometimes that purpose is positive and sometimes it's a lesson that provides you with a valuable tool for the next time

when i picked myself up and dusted myself off... the phone rang and i liked what i heard and felt safe to share what i was feeling about the situation... its nice to have someone that truly wants me to lean on them and to test that in a sense and not fall over

dancin'... singin'... and listenin' to my funky hippie happy love music again ~ my little man loves to dance especially to DMB... and how can you not... it just makes you want to move

Everyday ~ Dave Matthews Band

'...pick me up love from the bottom
up onto the top love everyday
pay no mind to taunts or advances
i’m gonna take my chances everyday

left to right
up and up and inside out right
good love fight for everyday...'

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    What did they say on the X-Files, "Trust no one." I like yours better my dear.
