Wednesday, December 05, 2007

if you have to ask...

me what i want for Christmas or my birthday or whatever... you probably shouldn't be getting me anything ~ if you don't know me well enough to be able to find something that represents who i am to you... or makes you think 'Lori would love that' or i need Lori to have this 'cause she'll get it... well then really there is no need to buy me something just 'cause... i'm not a just 'cause kind of person... sorry if this offends anyone... i've been asked this a lot recently for well the obvious reason and it really just rubs me the wrong way

if i was making a list ~ well something like this would ABSOLUTELY be on it...

alright not all of that... but just the one on the 26th.... oh my HECK ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS to me... someday i'll write about my first show at the Sidecar with those two artists... i say it all the time ~ that night changed my life...

todays favorite ~ Desolation Angels by Reckless Kelly

'... and it’s bound to take its toll
out runnin’ wild and livin’ free
and i’ve done some growing up
but i never lost the child in me
we’re tossin’ dice at things
that might not ever be
all just to see what I can see, yea..'

i LOVE the heck out of THAT RIGHT THERE


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    thats it.

    as soon as i get in the car to go to Memorial, RK gets put back in the playa playa.

  2. You better make it to that MickEy and the Motorcars show too.. I hear he and Gary the Go Carts are pretty rockin'!

  3. haha, I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed the typo..I knew Sara would!

    I'll go to the Bleu & Stoney show with you if you want!

  4. yay dawn that's awesome... being the night after Christmas i didn't want to ask anyone 'cause i was sure people would have family stuff still... ok i've read it three times... where did i even write about micky & the motorcars????

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Lori, it's the poster and they always but an 'E' in Micky's name. (He's not a damn mouse!)

    'but I never lost the child in me'...yep, I love that!

  6. Maureen, she was blinded by Stoney & Bleu!!
