Thursday, October 05, 2006

9 weeks ~ possibly 12...

it doesn't seem like a long time ~ however in two and a half years... i haven't gone much more than a week let alone two to three months without talking to him... in a crowd we probably aren't two you would put together as being close friends... yet just over two years ago a mutual acquaintance sent me a message and that said 'this guy is trying to get his music career going and i think you would like his sound' well that put him and i in touch with each other

since that day it's been quite the friendship no question... one i've come to depend on a lot... he called me one afternoon and said 'i just threw my stuff in the back of my truck ~ i need you to get me from houston to your house' ~ i was living north of Los Angeles at the time... well he came and stayed with my kids and i for a bit... he and my daughter bonded hard ~ he sat with her and tried to teach her some chords on the guitar... he played them bedtime songs before they went to sleep...

when things were at their worst... there were all night phone calls... all day phone calls... sometimes just knowing someone is there... that someone will listen no matter what you have to say is comforting... there was the time when used cars seemed like a good idea... then back to music... we've had power conversations covering everything from why he is convinced i'm a republican (i am NOT) to why you would choose to live with horrific side affects in order to get rid of yellow toe nails (we decided to wear socks)...

he paid me one of the highest compliments i've ever had

'... i wasn't ok where i was ~ i knew i could come here and be okay'

that's all i ever truly want for those i care about is to know... that i'll always do whatever i can to help them be at the very least ok...

so now the decision has been made... the Navy... so boot camp then training and that means... no real contact with civilians for 9-12 weeks... there will be letters delivered via 'snail mail' because it's necessary... but it won't be the same and after our phone conversation today ~ the beginning of 'the wrap' up... it hit me HARD... just what this change means for him... for me... 'cause i can be selfish like that occasionally

mostly... i just hope that through all we have been through... together ~ for each other... that he knows just exactly how PROUD i am of him, where he is going and the choices he has made


  1. That was beautiful. Truly.

    I am very proud of him too, and also selfishly quite worried that I won't be able to talk to him when I need him. But I also know he is bound for great things, and I couldn't be happier for him.

    It's not "good-bye". It's "I'll see you soon."

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    rock on.
