Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Phrases that make me squirm...

'How are you?' ~ ever notice that most don't pay attention to the answer or really wanted to know to begin with

'Fine' ~ a cop out answer.... what exactly does that mean and there is usually a lot of negativity behind it if you really listen

'Sure' ~ no, no, no... please it's so very non-committal

'Sorry' ~ the singular most over used word in my opinion and not truly meant most of the time it's said

'It's gonna be ok...' ~ the dreaded ok a very good friend pointed out that ok isn't cutting it and don't we deserve to be better than ok

'I love you' ~ the power of those three words has been reduced drastically in my world ~ for the most part there are very few that use them that i actually believe... there are some that when they say it i remember exactly the date, time, minute, circumstances, etc... because even though i know for so many other reasons that they do love me... it is not something i hear often from them ~ it used to be such a sacred thing to tell someone you love them... now ~ well another friend who articulates much better than i do said it best... 'We are in a world of watered down i love you's' ~ and think about this ~ if that's true ~ what do you say to the one that makes you feel like the world is new again and all is going to be shinier, sweeter, warmer, prettier, livelier... etc you get my point i think

OAR was in my player today and this hit a chord with me... so after being a bit preachy... here you go

Ran Away To the Top of the World Today ~ OAR

'well i've been thinking and losing lots of sleep
my life is getting longer, winter snow come kinda deep
but i keep my feet on strong, i’m moving right along
but i haven’t seen a thing, so that’s all I can know

'cause i don't know nothing, and y’all don't know a thing
but if we just keep on listening, together we'll sing'

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post Lori... too many times we say what we think people want to hear instead of what we really feel.
