Sunday, November 25, 2007

'Your life is an occasion... rise to it.' ~ Mr. Magorium

alright... i loved this movie... Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium ~ for about a million reasons ~ and yes... its basic maybe... cheesy i'm sure... but you know a little reminder each year of the most important gift you can receive during the upcoming Christmas season ~ the gift of belief... whether this joyous time of year renews your religious beliefs and reminds you of how amazing the love of our FATHER truly is... or if it's the belief in magic ~ you know the magic that you'll wake up one day and even though it seems impossible that ONE special thing that you dreamed of is actually yours (i believe that any day can hold the magic of Christmas... somedays that magic is needed more than on just 12/25)

so this weekend started with just a blah conversation ~ when should we sit my daughter down and tell her the 'truth' about Santa.... umm well in my opinion never... my view ~ she will hear soon enough that some tainted soul tried to spoil the magic for someone... and what i will do at that time is to reassure her belief in the magic of Santa ~ because well surely look at all we have... and she knows how hard that it gets for us from time to time... yet we still manage to get through ~ that magic comes from somewhere.... i'll explain to her that its more about the belief than the shiny packages... but the packages help to reinforce and she'll just have to see what the day brings 'cause well you know... something always shows up that wouldn't without anything less than a Santa miracle... and the final gentle reminder will be that of course what's most important is that we are celebrating the birth of our Lord at this precious time of year...

what makes me sad is that i know the one that initiated this conversation... never had anyone reassure them of the same when they were young... i forget how the line acutally went today... something like

'why do children forget what they once knew when they are grown-ups... aren't grown ups supposed to be smarter?'

brilliant... love that!!!

***Thanksgiving Post Script... i'm most Thankful this year for an email letting me know that the one i thought about the most during the Aggie game actually got to see the game...*****

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was an excellent movie as well! I saw "August Rush" too. It has a wonderful line it..."Music is everywhere, all you have to do is listen." :)
