Friday, November 09, 2007

let me tell you...

i'm glad its Friday ~ and i'm not even that upset that i don't have much planned for this weekend... first off there will be much fun to be had next weekend as i was scolded for doing a jaegerbomb without my new best pal on Monday so apparently there will be one waiting in NCAL for me NEXT Friday night when i get off the plane... two in fact i've been warned...

last weekend was more fun than i would have imagined... i keep trying to blog about it... but see you write it down and it becomes a bit too real ~ so it needs to stay a story that we will giggle about because seriously... i NEVER behave like that...

in fact there were a few times when i was my own Jiminy Cricket... sitting on my shoulder sayin' what on EARTH has gotten into you ~ having said that... it's come to my attention that while most of the people in my life find me pretty responsible and i'm generally the good one in the group... well as with everything there is always that exception to the rule and i'm truly NOT that bad of influence... and we did follow the one rule... there were no drugs in the car!

well as much fun as the weekend was... i did get the call Sunday night ~ the 'see you later' that i've been dreading... five months is too long... and they don't need him as much as i do ~ especially since they have NO IDEA what they have... if they just let him talk to any one of those in charge over there... he'd convince them why what they are doing is wrong... he'd explain how to fix it... and they would have an action plan and it would be immediately implemented ~ trust me i've been there... if he can almost convince ME i'm a republican... he can in fact execute world Peace... anyway... there will be emails... and that will help me get through... and then he'll be HOME!!! and like he said 'Dallas... dammit... oh well Lori's in Dallas so now Dallas is better' ~ and you know he means that!!

after the festivities yesterday we now have a Jedi Force Action Light Sabre weilding.... Cowboy boot wearing... Optimus Prime keeping our world safe from the Decepticons... seriously ~ he'll make you believe too i promise...

i will spend this weekend nursing my beautiful Kailey back to health... i understand that part of the responsiblity of loving a pet is accepting that we will outlive them... i'm trying to get out of the realm where again i'm the exception to that rule...


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    It is truly possible to laugh, cry and then be whole again while reading your blog. Thanks for all of it....

    Love you forever!

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I wanna hear about this weekend you speak of! I'll call this weekend, not doing much here either.

    (what the hell is Optimus Prime? cause I saw it as a halloween costume and even the girls had NO clue!)

  3. Maureen... are you kidding? He's the leader of the Autobots... it's a Transformers thing... they are the good guys.... lol
