Wednesday, August 15, 2007

so i'm gonna go to Idaho...

i heard a lot over the last few years that i should really listen to them... well i tried a few times... i guess i just wasn't ready or available or on overload or more likely than not i was supposed to wait... and it clicked at the exact moment that it was supposed to ~ and now i'm excited... to be in a BEAUTIFUL place... with the most beautiful souls i've ever met... and just playin' hard... together ~ like we do...

i believe that the countdown has already begun...

'may peace find you tonight
like a breeze through your window
and sit by your light
let it warm by your fire
and laugh with delight
like a heavenly choir
may peace find you tonight...' written by Willy Braun ~ performed by Reckless Kelly


  1. it's about time :)

    just sayin'...

    (and I think June would say it to you, too!!!!)

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I did Idaho for the first time this year. It's absolutely amazing. No words or pictures can describe its beauty. Oh, and the playin' hard sure is fun! :]

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

    You SO belong there!!! 'getting' the music only adds to the greatness of that place and you see why the Brauns are so proud to be from there...

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    oh me oh my! this makes me SUPER DUPER CRAZY AMAZING HAPPY!!
