Wednesday, February 06, 2008

i'm just broken...

and havin' a hard time matchin' the pieces back up to glue them all together again... and when i start to ~ i get shaken... so i think i'm just sittin' in the mess for a minute and prayin'

it's all i got... i just hope that i find a fire to warm this sadness soon 'cause i don't want this to be me...


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM are brave to put this on your blog.

    Not to take away from your brokenness, but oh God, how I wish that I could just waste away into nothingness.

    My heart and my soul are broken as well, and honestly there isnt a damn thing anyone can do about it.

    I got down on my knees (literally) last night and cried and prayed to God for him to take away the pain, but I woke up this morning and its still there...

    Why oh why, do bad things always happen to good people like us??

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    oh and in case you didnt know it already. I love you.

  3. I love you too, Lori. *BIG HUGS*

  4. *this is temporary* and when the burden gets too tough to bear, there's a Man that will help hold you up... and he just might use your friends or strangers to help you... I love you and I've got a couple of good shoulders if you need me to carry anything for a while...

    Seriously, I love you :)

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    It's no fun to be broken. (hugs)
