Monday, September 24, 2007

i'm pretty sure...

i've never been as emotionally and physically drained as i am right now... tomorrow will be day sixteen of work... my next day off will be Saturday ~ not that i'm complainin' just explainin' ~ it's my first night home... alone in a long time and i'm very grateful for it... i made it through but i gotta tell you... it wasn't easy and well that would be why i'm emotionally drained... there was the possibility of a new boy... i'm still on the fence about the whole thing... it's hard sometimes when your free time is limited you have to really be choosy of how you spend it... do i want to risk wasting the time on something that may not be anything or keep the status quo and just do what i know i love... i've had so many changes this year... maybe its enough for awhile ~ my track record proves that my choices in companions of the opposite sex well let's just say i need improvement... i think the issue may be that i don't 'need' one... i don't know that the ones i've come in contact with know what to do with that...

mostly i love my girls so much and i'm looking forward to Thursday... we get to play to the tunes of Josh Grider and THAT makes me smile!!!


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    WTH is wrong with that job you have??? My GOD, that is nuts!! Do you need me to call them???? Cause you are taking Oct. 5-7th off!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I think sticking with what we know, and know well (meaning ourselves) is the answer.

    Honestly I just think that the people out there that dont get people like you and me are missing more than brain cells.

    They must be missing a heart too.

  3. i think the issue may be that i don't 'need' one... i don't know that the ones i've come in contact with know what to do with that...

    Yeah. I get that, TOTALLY. I haven't come across ANY that know what to do with that...

  4. eh hem... (clearing throat...)

    I'm just sayin'... um... well... I handed off the check today to pay for that special seat next to you at 'church' on the 7th...

    (now wipe the silly smile off your face... )

    Love you!!!
